Category: Invertebrates
Owl Butterfly Art
I spotted this Owl Butterfly (Caligo brasiliensis minor) in Brasso Seco last weekend, and sketched…

The Regal Greatstreak
The Regal Greatstreak (Evenus regalis) is not often seen in Trinidad, however this particular individual…

The Elusive Monarch Chrysalis
Since discovering my first Tropical Milkweed just walking distance from my home a couple of…

Angiopolybia pallens wasp feeding on a dead earthworm
Angiopolybia pallens wasp feeding on a dead earthworm. Date: 22 March 2015Location: Rio Claro Wasps…

Up close and personal with a Wandering Spider
An adult male Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria sp.) sits still while being photographed in Salybia,…

Gulf Fritillary on Sulfur Cosmos flower
A Gulf fritillary (Dione vanillae) was spotted in my flower garden gracefully sitting on a beautiful…
One year in, one year to go
While I have been experimenting with camera traps in south Trinidad for several years now,…

The Moth Trap
Unfortunately I have not been able to spend as much time on this website as…
Asa Wright’s Legacy
One of my fond memories as a child was reading an article written by Williams…
A Tale of Two Forests
Forest environments vary widely in their capacity to attract and sustain wildlife. From the dry…
Known Unknowns
“We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are…
Treasures in the bush
For the last few weeks I have been spending most of my free time in…